Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Pitlochry 2

We went again to Pitlorchry today to check out the shops properly! They certainly seem to have made traditional Scottish fabrics and garments their specialty. I spent some time in one shop counting the number of different whiskies on one shelf – 60! Most of them I hadn’t even heard of.

While we were in the area we visited the Moulin Kirk, now a cultural heritage centre detailing the history of the church, the families associated with it and the area and people around it. It was amazing to know that this church was established between the 5th – 7th centuries A.D. As we discovered in France and again in Turkey, the missionaries were no doubt a zealous lot.

This is a picture of the hotel across the road from the church. The hotel has something to do with supporting the Heritage Centre.

We also made a short detour to visit the grounds of Atholl Palace Hotel – most impressive grounds and building. There is no doubt Scottish nobility knew how to build castles and to pick the best places for them.

Another treasure we discovered was the historic Port na Craig hamlet and the modern Arts Festival Theatre. Both were very impressive; the first as a significant piece of history and the second for its size. Obviously big things happen in the latter.

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