Today we left Aberfeldy to meet Raquel after her 24 hour + flight from Sydney via Heathrow. No traffic problems and we made the journey in just over 1.5 hours. Raquel was in good humour despite her trip.

Nothing like a bit of walking and revisiting old sights to get the jet lag out of your system. Raquel and Lynne pose outside Edinburgh Castle.
We went on down to Holyrood House but unfortunately the Queen is in residence and we couldn't go in. Perhaps if she had known we were coming she might have invited us for tea!

Two images of Edinburgh people who have been here before will recognise. Edinburgh, with its buildings made of huge pieces of stone is as beautiful as it ever was. It certainly had its share of tourists today and it was difficult to find standing room on the footpaths of the Royal Mile

Retail therapy was definitely on the agenda. The is one of the big department stores on Princes Street. In contrast to the Royal Mile, Princes Street was full of locals going about their business. The beauty of the outside of the buildings was matched by the quaintness of their interiors.

One cannot come to Edinburgh and not have Haggis! I have found a website with a recipe we will simply have to try some time:

This is our Hotel - The Apex International. We know the gym is well equipped and the swimming pool and sauna are good tonics after a day walking the streets of Edinburgh.
It's a bit early yet but information about the Edinburgh Festival is already in circulation. The fringe festival has become as big a thing as the other major events:
Websites on Edinburgh:
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